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Tuesday 28 August

Double Unders – Feels so good when they are going well, but brings out the ugly side in us when they go wrong!

Team I’m pumped on how many of you are getting the hang of double unders! If you have not yet mastered them, here are the key thing to focus on: 1)Tuck the elbows in close to the body – it keeps the rope long. 2) Keep the hands slightly out in front of the body. 3) Keep the feet together and stay in one spot. 4) The jump does not have to be that high, but the wrist needs to move faster! Keep the tension on that rope. 5) Do not leave the box until you have done some!

For time:
60/45kg Thruster, 15 reps
Run 200 meters
45/30kg Thruster, 20 reps
Run 400 meters
30/15kg Thruster, 30 reps
Run 800 meters

Mon 27 August


Kipping Pull Up


5 Burpees

10 Pull Ups

20 KB SDHP (24/32kg)

200m Rn

20min AMRAP

Thursday 23 August

CrossFit Endurance

If you are interested in running longer distances, maybe planning on doing a 10km, half marathon or even a marathon, you need to start following Bryan Mackenzie from CrossFit Endurance. The guy is a genius and their training methods are changing the running world. Below are a few videos to watch if you are interested. Also jump on You’ll learn about running mechanics, proper hydration, how CrossFit training will make you a better and safer runner and you might even hear something controversial along the lines of, you don’t have to run for hours and hours to become a better runner… I like the sound of that! I’m doing my CrossFit Endurance Certification in October, so we’ll certainly be spending more time learning how to run better. In the meantime come and join us at AndRun endurance club 5:30 on Wednesday nights.

Best video to watch is on the CrossFit Journal:

(you need to subscribe to the journal to be able to access. Completely worth it, so do it!


20min to find 1RM Push Press


2min AMRAP

Double unders