November, 2011

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Thursday 1 December

“If we are growing, we’re always going to be out of our  comfort zone”
                                           John C. Maxwell

Strength: Box Squats 1  1  1  1  1

WOD: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 of Pull ups and Push ups


Wednesday 30 November

Hannah - split jerk

Lets celebrate the last day of November with this WOD:

3 Rounds for time

30 Wall balls (9/6kg) / 11 walking lunges per leg (20/10kg)


“A human being is happiest and most successful when dedicated to a cause outside his own individual, selfish satisfaction.”
- Benjamin Spock

Tuesday 29 November

Doug W

Skill/Strength: L hold – max time in 4 min.

WOD: TABATA Jump Press

Double TABATA of Box jumps (60/50cm) and Push press (50/30kg)

“In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.”
- Albert Einstein

Monday 28 November


Skill/Strength: Double unders, hollow rocks, arch rocks

WOD: 3 rounds for max reps

Spend 1min @ each station: Ring rows / Press ups hand release / Cleans (40/20kg) / Double unders / Toes to bar

“Talent without discipline is like octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if its going to be forwards, backwards, or sideways.” – H. Jackson Brown -

Thursday 24 November

skill: TABATA double unders

WOD: 3 rounds for time of
Run 400m with medbal (9/6kg)
5 x 10m bear crawl
10 Burpie box jumps

Compare to 13 October

Wednesday 23 November

Coach Dan in the final WOD at CFAK games on the weekend

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”
- Chinese Proverb

Metabolic conditioning: 2km time trial

3 burpies / 3 box jumps
6 burpies / 6 box jumps
9 burpies / 9 box jumps
12 burpies / 12 box jumps

Compare to 10 October

Tuesday 26 November

strength: Jerk 3×3

WOD: 5 rounds for time
6 pull ups / 12 box jumps / 24 sit ups
Compare to 5 October

Monday 21 November

Strength: 3×3 Squat clean

WOD: 15min AMRAP
100 double unders
3 squat cleans, 3 burpies, 6 Squat cleans, 6 burpies, 9 Squat cleans, 9 burpies…

Gold: 60/40kg Silver: 50/30kg Bronze: scale as needed

Friday 18 November

5;45pm session canceled unfortunately team

Apologies for the late notice!