March, 2012

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Andfit Open WOD 4 March15


Andfit Open WOD 12.4

18min AMRAP

15 Box Jumps (60/50cm)

12 Shoulder to Overhead (50/30kg)

9 Toe’s to bar

Scale 1

15 Box Jumps (60/50cm)

12 Shoulder to Overhead (40/20kg)

9 Knees to Elbow

Scale 2

15 Box Jumps (50/40cm)

12 Shoulder to Overhead (30/15kg)

9 Knee raises

Deads and Doubles 14 March


Strength: Deadlift 3 – 3 – 3


21 – 15 - 9 Deadlift (80/50kg)

18 - 30 - 42 Double Unders unbroken

Scale: Broken double unders or 4x singles.

Details at GymnasticsWOD

Details at GymnasticsWOD

Details at GymnasticsWOD

Turkish get ups and midline stability 13 March

Strenght / Skill

Turkish get ups
1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1


3 rounds for time of:
10 Burpies
20 Medball sit ups (9/6kg)
30 Grasshoppers

CrossFit Total 12 March

Sandy, Matt, Cam and Doug W during the snatch WOD on Thursday

Sandy, Matt, Cam and Doug W during the snatch WOD on Thursday

CrossFit Total

The CrossFit Total reflects an athlete’s functional strength capacity. The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift.

The ‘CrossFit Total’ is your 1 RM of each of the below combined:

  • Back Squat
  • Shoulder Press
  • Deadlift

Score the best of 3 attempts at each movement. Add the 3 high scores to find your CrossFit Total.

Rope climb and tyre flip 9 March


Spend 1min at each station for max reps.

- Tyre flip
- Rope climb
- Turkish get up (20/12kg)

10 sec rest betweenexcercises.
4 rounds, with a 1min break between rounds.

Andfit Open WOD 3 – 8 March



With a 10min cap, get through as much of this workout as possible:


30 Snatches at 35/20kg

30 Snatches at 60/35kg

30 Snatches at 75/45kg

AMRAP Snatches at 90/60kg


Scale 1

30 Snatches at 30/15kg

30 Snatches at 40/25kg

30 Snatches at 50/35kg

AMRAP Snatches at 60/45kg


Scale 2

30 Snatches at 20/10kg

30 Snatches at 30/20kg

30 Snatches at 40/30kg

AMRAP Snatches at 50/40kg


Fittest man alive does WOD


Fittest woman alive does WOD

Coach Wykie does WOD

A different type of FRAN 7 March

ollie johno

Gymnastics strength

5 sets of Max dead hang pull ups.

*Between each set practice handstand.


21 – 15 – 9

Burpee box jump (60/50cm)

Thruster (30/20kg)


Handstand progressions

Progression 1


Details at GymnasticsWOD

Progression 2


Details at GymnasticsWOD

Progression 3

Details at GymnasticsWOD

‘HELEN’ 6 March

andfit wod zone


Hollow rocks and pull up technique




3 Rounds for time:

Run 400m

21 KB Swings (24/16kg)

12 Pull ups


Old school WOD demo

L – Hangs 5 March

You would never have guessed this was the first time Alice and Geneva were performing clean+jerk. Great work ladies!


L-Hang: With the clock running for 4min, see how much time you can spend in an L-hang.


You would never have guessed this was the first time Alice and Geneva were performing clean+jerk. Great work ladies!

Perform the following sequence every minute on the minute for 15min:

5 press ups

10 wall balls

15 Hang power snatch (25/15kg)

*If you fail to complete the sequence within any given minute you are forced to rest the following minute.

Score = rounds completed in 15min.


Details at GymnasticsWOD

The andfit Open is going really well, with most people getting in on either a Thursday or a Saturday to complete the WOD. If you have missed out on doing one of the Open WODs, you can come along and do any of them on a Saturday to ensure you keep up with the rest of the gym. Here is how we are scoring the Open: If you get the top score in a WOD you get 1 point, if you get the seventh best score you get 7 points and so on. The goal is to keep your score as low as posible. Not performing a WOD gives you 30 points for the guys and 20 for the ladies, so you are beter of coming in and doing the WOD than not turn up
There is a leaders board up in the gym now and you can also log in to the open page by typing in the pasword cage to see how you are doing. Al RX scores will be placed above a scaled wods score, so if you are at all capable of performing the workout as RX then do so.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow for another great week of training!