June, 2012

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Tuesday 19 June


Todays workout:

5 rounds
1min DU practice
1min Plank


12mins on the Clock
1 Pull-up +1 Snatch , 2 Pull-ups + 2 Snatches, 3+3, 4+4 etc
Continue up the ladder as far as you can in 12mins – sets do not have to be unbroken and the weight on the Snatch should be relatively light.
This should be viewed as skill work


5 rounds
1 min Double Under practice
1 min Plank

Monday 18 June


3 muscle ups, every minute for 15 minutes.

If you are unable to do muscle ups, choose one of the progressions:

Ring dips, ring pull ups, knees to muscle up, jumping muscle up.


7min AMRAP

20 double unders
10 Deadlifts (100/60kg)
5 over the box burpees

Friday 15 June


Push Jerk and Split Jerk


3 Rounds for time of

50 Air squats

40 sit ups

30 Double unders

20 Wall balls

10 Burpees

Thursday 14 June

JK - Med ball run during Tuesdays WOD


O/H Squat

20min to find your 1RM – Lets set some new PRs people!


7min AMRAP

7 Med ball cleans

7 Box jumps

7 Med ball Lunges (7 per leg)

Wednesday 13 June

Ido - Ring Push up


For time:
Run 1600 meters
150 Double-unders
50 Burpees
Run 800 meters
100 Double-unders
35 Burpees
Run 400 meters
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees

Scale 1:

For time:
Run 1200 meters
100 Double-unders
30 Burpees
Run 800 meters
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees
Run 400 meters
25 Double-unders
10 Burpees

Scale 2

For time:
Run 800 meters
50 Double-unders
30 Burpees
Run 400 meters
30 Double-unders
20 Burpees
Run 200 meters
10 Double-unders
10 Burpees

Tuesday 12 June


Shoulder Press

Pick a weight that is challenging for 5 reps. Every minute for 15min perform 5 reps at the chosen weight.


15min AMRAP

10 Bottoms up KB press (12/4kg)

10 Ring Press Ups

100m Run

Monday 11 June

New faces at andfit

We have a 3 week introduction program starting tomorrow morning with a bunch of awesome new people taking part. Make sure to introduce yourself to the new faces, and make them feel welcome.

Coach Wykie at Battle Royalle this Saturday

I get to watch you guys beat the crap out of yourself everyday, and I’m going to be honest with you I love my job! This Saturday I’m competing at CrossFit NZ in their yearly Battle Royalle, and this is a great chance for you to come and stand on the sideline with a coffee in hand and watch me beat the crap out of myself! This is currently the biggest CrossFit competition in NZ and some of the top athletes will be competing. It will be a great spectacle, so please come and support me! The address is 19 Thomas Peacock place in St John. I’ll be competing from 8:30am-17:00pm.

Tips for a starting CrossFit

You’re Competing Against Yourself, Not Others

When it comes time to throw down in a wod, don’t feel like you have to do everything RX’d or be able to complete 20 rounds of “Cindy” right off the bat. Go at your own pace. Let the intensity find you. You need a solid foundation of strength and flexibility in order to progress into more demanding workouts. Start light, get your form down, and don’t worry about the mother of three who is deadlifting 250 as you struggle with the bar. Chase your own capacity before chasing the person next to you.


Gymnastics: For 10min perform 10 Sit ups on the even minutes and 10 Hollow rocks on the odd minutes

Metabolic conditioning: 10 x 200m sprints with a 1min rest between sets

Friday 8 June


Ring Dips

On the minute for 15min perform 3-5 assisted, bodyweight or weighted ring dips


Death by pull ups

Climb the ladder of pull ups as high as you can, doing 1 pull up in the fist minute, 2 in the second minute and so on.

Thursday 6 June

Nathan, Ginge, Sandy and Hine swinging


Back Squat

For 15min on the minute perform 5 back squats at a challanging weight.


In pairs perform the following 15min AMRAP

3 L Pull ups

6 KB Press Ups

9 Ab matt sit ups

- One person completes a whole round before their partner starts a new round.

- If you cant do L pull ups, you can do knee tuck pull ups or ring rows.

- Standard for KB push up is shoulder below elbow, and maintain that hollow body!