Wednesday 191114

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, November 18, 2014


Wish the photo was as good as Josh’s Snatch. 100kg Pause Snatch PR. What a great effort bro. Well done.

So that workout today was a rough one. I’m sorry I should have allowed a bit more time to get through it but then again i’m sure some of you are happy it was only 20min long because it was very painful.

I feel like we are building some good momentum in the Olympic Lifts and I was really happy with some of the snatches I saw today. It takes time to develop them so keep on going hard and turning up to the olympic lifting days.

I have heard some people say that Wednesday is there favourite day. That is really cool to hear and I’m pumped that you guys love it. Gymnastics are a massive part of Crossfit and should be just as important as your lifting.

Have a good night and see you all tomorrow.

Wednesday 191114


EMOM 9min (3 rounds)

1min:  30sec of Handstand Walking  (Scale to Handstand Hold against wall)

2min: 20 Plank to Push Up (10 leading with each arm)

3min: 10 Strict Ring dips (Feet in front of body/ gymnastic position with turnout if possible at top)

Metcon (Reps)

In Partners


22min AMRAP

5 Cal Row
5 Wall Balls 12/10kg
5 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg

10 Cal Row
10 Wall Balls 12/10kg
10 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg

15 Cal Row
15 Wall Balls 12/10kg
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg

20 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls 12/10kg
20 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg

25,25,25, 30,30,30 ect

* Add 5 reps of each exercise after each round

* 1 Partner working/ Swap anytime

Coach D