Thursday 131114

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, November 12, 2014

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Jordan nailing the wall balls during todays workout. What a legend.

Don’t worry barbells are back tomorrow. Hope everybody enjoyed todays sessions. How good was it to get some skill practice in with the muscle up? I personally got heaps out of it. It might seem like a massive thing getting a muscle up but if you stay working through the progressions you will get closer and closer each time. Believe me it took me ages to get my first one and some days I still struggle. We are all on a journey and the main thing is we keep going.

Just a quick note on pacing a workout. When I see a workout that is longer than 2min (which is pretty much all the workouts we do) first thing I think about is how I should break it up. This is not because I’m lazy but because I know that if I don’t I will burn out and end up taking way longer than I should or could. So In some way not breaking sets up or movements up is lazy. It only requires a little bit of practice and you will be way better off in the long run. Every workout is different so you need to access each situation when you get there. Ask you coach if you are not sure about how to pace your workout.

Have a great night. Sleep well.


Thursday 121114


Shoulder Press


*Work up to a heavy set of 3

Metcon (Time)


5 Rounds

10 Deadlift 110/80kg

10 TTB

10 Push Press 50/35kg


Coach D