Saturday 221114

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, November 21, 2014

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In my opinion Coach Hine has one of if not the best form during movement. Next time if you are in class with her make sure to have a look at how good her form is. A great example of a talented athlete and good form.

So nobody turned up to the 5:45am session this morning. That is the first time I have ever seen that happen. Hopefully thats a sign that everybody is doing some mobility at home instead of coming in for training?

Its been a hard week of training and I have to say well done to everybody. I have seen some cool things this week like Josh’s 100kg Pause Snatch and Frosty doing todays workout. Two great athletes giving it nothing but their best. So proud of you dudes.

We are all on a journey and I love being able to be there to help you guys on your way in terms of fitness and performance. It’s one of the best feeling in life helping others. That feeling is worth more than any amount of money ever will.

Have a great night tonight guys.


Saturday 22111

Metcon (Time)

In Pairs complete:

50 Burpees

150 Split Jumps

50 Burpees

150 Sit Ups

50 Burpees

150 Air Squats


* Can work at the same time but have to be on the same exercise.

* Complete exercises in order listed

* 30min Cap


Coach D